Sunday, October 02, 2005

Here is a picture of the University group from my church, El Camino here in Guatemala. This picture was taken on a retreat during Holy week last Easter. It has been great to be a part of this group, and make friends with Guatemalan who are around my age.

It's been a long time since I have been the "new girl" anywhere. I have had the same friends back in AZ for many years. I lived at home and always had someone around. This year in Guatemala has been great, but it definitely has been lonely at times, but it has been good to be the "new girl." It has taught me a lot and stretched me.

One thing I really like about the University group at El Camino is that they are a close group. They really care about each other. It has taken time to build relationships and friendships with people in the group, but I am finally feeling like I am part of this group, and I feel like I have a "home" at my church.

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